Erica Andra

[email protected]

Scott Henrie

[email protected]

Michelle Lindquist

[email protected]

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Here is SUCCESS Academy’s RTI plan.

Tier 1 Intervention

(All students)

Teachers: Research-based universal academic interventions which are preventative and proactive. Differentiated instruction (parent contact, student contact, etc.) to support all students in meeting the Core Curriculum standards and objectives.

Counselors: Oversees tracking of missing assignments and grades

Academic coach: Tracks missing assignments and grades

Tier 2 Intervention

(Some students)

Step 1: 5 missing assignments/1 or more “C” or lower grade(s)/teacher referral

  • Teachers: Collaborates with counselors and academic coach.
  • Counselors: Contacts student and parent at 5 missing assignments. Counselor assigns use of tracking sheets, and meets with academic coach every other week to discuss data.
  • Academic coach: Sends letter/text/email when student reaches 5 missing assignments, sets up tracking sheet, and sends reminder texts to student and parent(s) as needed.

Step 2: 10 missing assignments and/or no grade improvement

  • Teachers: Collaborates with counselors and student liaison, and attends parent/student meetings when applicable.
  • Counselors: Meets with parent(s), teachers, and student for contract signing meeting. Tutoring required by contract. 
  • Academic coach: Assigns tutor and monitors tutor/student progress. Contacts parents with progress reports. 

Tier 3 Intervention

(Few students)

Step 1: Continuous missing assignments and/or no grade improvement

  • Teachers: Collaborates with counselors and the academic coach.
  • Counselors: If student fails to improve after tutor and tracker interventions, or if student breaches terms of contract, student will meet with counselors and may participate in individual and/or group counseling.

Step 2: Continuous missing assignments and/or no grade improvement after counseling interventions

  • Administrators: If student’s missing assignments/grades fail to improve after all other previous interventions, or if student fails to meet the terms of contract, student and parent will meet with the administration and determine consequence and/or eligibility.